It’s time! You’re ready. You have the ring, and now all that’s left is to find the perfect moment to propose.
So why not take advantage of a trip to Paris to pop the question? How does it work? First, ask yourself in what kind of circumstances you want to propose. There are two possibilities. The first is the surprise proposal. We agree on a meeting point. Once you’re comfortable, you propose, and I capture the moment like a paparazzi.
It’s possible that people around you might react and even start applauding! Guaranteed surprise effect!
However, during the photo session, you propose. The surprise remains intact. Advantage: This allows me to choose the best setting for your proposal. When should you propose? Any season works, of course. However, there are times of the day that are easier to manage.
The ideal time is in the morning, when the streets are not too crowded.
Antoine's work featured on the international news channel France 24.
A team from the international channel followed Antoine during a surprise marriage proposal.